life hacks for healthy skin


Acne, aging, and dull skin make us feel less confident and more unaesthetic. In the world of aesthetic importance, everyone wishes to look gorgeous with healthy and radiant skin. It is always said that your skin reflects your overall body health status.

The article below focuses on 5 proven life hacks for healthy skin. Which describes 5 basic and most essential tips for healthy and glowing skin.

Skin- a window reflector of your body system

Our skin is the window to our body that reveals the stories of our life. From simple acne breakouts during our teenage years to the radiant glow of pregnancy and adulthood and the sunspots of aging, all our age, and your health are reflected in your skin.

Many factors directly impact our skin. Genetics, stress, aging, hormones, and conditions such as hypertension are internal factors that affect the skin the most. External influencers such as unprotected and excessive sun exposure and rubbing your face wash too frequently or using too hot water can damage the skin. An unhealthy and unhygienic diet, unwanted stress, a lack of proper sleep, no exercise, dehydration, smoking and alcohol. And particular medications can all impact the skin’s ability to operate as an effective protective barrier.

It is elemental to look after your skin and have a mindful glance in your routine diet and schedule to have radiant and healthy skin.

5 Important proven life hacks for healthy and radiant skin

Coming to the central heart of the article, there are many tips and tricks to enhance the skin’s glow. People do try various cosmetic products to test whether they can avail themselves an overnight radiant skin or not. But they are just myths. Here we are enlisting the five critical proven life hacks for healthy and glowing skin.

Eat a healthful diet

What you eat is what your skin looks like. Your diet has a direct reflection on your skin texture and health. Eating healthy, in proper quantity, and the scheduled way is significant for healthy skin. 

A clear skin complexion comes from your inner health that is by food. Here are some skin-healthy foods, which are demonstrated below.

Skin-friendly foods

Here are some enlisted foods that have been acknowledged by research as skin-friendly and help you have glowing skin.

  • Mangoes– It contains maximum antioxidant properties. These compounds help to protect significant components of the skin, such as collagen.
  • Tomatoes-this tangy vegetable contains skin cancer-prevention benefits. Lycopene, the primary pigment responsible for giving tomatoes their deep red colour, plays a crucial role in protecting against harmful UV damage.
  • Olive oil– It is associated with a lower risk of severe facial photoaging — cumulative damage to the skin that includes aging effects like wrinkles, dark spots, and discoloration resulting from long-term sunlight exposure.
  • Cocoa flavanols- It is the main ingredient in dark chocolate that improves the structure and function of the skin. Scientists discovered that cocoa flavanols also decrease roughness and scaling on the skin. Increase skin hydration levels, and help to support the skin’s defenses system against harmful UV rays.
  • Green tea-Compounds found in green tea called polyphenols to rejuvenate dying skin cells. Which suggests that they may be helpful in healing wounds or certain skin conditions.
  • Green tea also has the potential to slow down the production of skin cells and suppress inflammation.
  • White tea- It avails anti-cancer and anti-aging properties. One study has also proved that some ingredients in white tea can protect the skin from oxidative stress and immune cell damage.
  • Kale- A green leaf is one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin may protect trusted Sources against light-induced skin damage, especially from harmful UV rays.
  • Omega-3– It is found in oily fish, walnuts, cashew nuts, and pumpkin seeds or oils such as linseed oil and corn oil can prevent dryness and scaling of the skin.
  • Soy- It can help to improve crow’s feet skin wrinkles that appear at the outer corner of the eyes in menopausal women.

keep your stress level in check

Many research has shown that teenagers who reported high-stress levels were 26 percent more likely to have severe acne.

The researchers also suspect that stress increases the quantity of sebum, the oiliest substance that blocks the skin pores. Thus, this leads to greater acne severity and more unhealthy skin.

Reducing stress levels can lead to clearer and glowing skin. If you think that stress level impacts your skin, try stress-reduction techniques such as tai chi, yoga, or meditation.

Keep moisture in the skin

Skin moisturizers keep the most superficial layer of skin cells hydrated and seal in moisture. Moisturizers often contain humectants that attract water. Occlusive agents to retain moisture in the skin layers, and emollients to smooth the spaces between different skin cells.

The most trusted American Academy of Dermatology has also recommended some of the proven ways to keep moisture in and prevent dry, inflamed, and itchy skin:

The proven ways to keep your skin moisturized is as follows-

  • Take one 5- to 15-minute shower or bath per day. 
  • Excessive washing and scrubbing can strip away the oily layer of the skin and dry it out.
  • Use Luke-warm water instead of hot water.
  • Minimize the use of harsh and different soaps. 
  • Use a gentle, mild, and fragrance-free cleanser.
  • Avoid using abrasive scrub brushes, bath sponges, and washcloths to damage the skin’s superficial surface.
  • Pat skin gently to dry it with a towel.
  • Moisturize immediately after washing or bathing. 
  • Ointments, lotions, and creams need to be applied within minutes of drying off to trap moisture into the skin layers.
  • Use ointments and creams rather than lotions to minimize irritation.
  • Do not scratch your skin. 
  • Cold compresses and moisturizers should help you to control itching.
  • Wear non-irritating and skin-friendly clothes. 
  • Use hypoallergenic laundry detergent.
  • Avoid getting too close to fireplaces or wild places and other heat sources that dry out the skin.
  • Switch on a humidifier if available in the winter to replenish moisture in the skin’s top layer.

Quit smoking and alcohol

Smoking habits can narrow and clog the blood vessels located in the most superficial skin. Obstructing blood flow and exhausting the skin layers and cells. This can turn into the lack of nutrients and oxygen, essential for the skin to be healthy and alive.

Collagen and elastin fibers avail the skin of its strength and elasticity. Smoking may reduce the skin’s natural elasticity by causing collagen breakdown and reduction of collagen production.

Smoking also has other harmful effects on the skin, like wrinkles and acne formations.

Cutting down your intake of alcohol could lower your risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancers. It is also proven that higher alcohol intake is associated with a higher risk of developing lethal cancers like basal cell carcinoma and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.

Get your beauty sleep

Getting your beauty sleep helps you banish the dark circles around your eyes and improve your skin tone and texture.

The National Sleep Foundation has also recommended that adults have a sound sleep for approximately 7 and 9 hours every day. 

Chronic sleep deprivation problems are directly linked with obesity, immune deficiency, chronic diseases, and severe cancer. Still, research has shown that sleep quality may also significantly impact skin function and aging.

Poor sleepers have increased signs of premature skin aging and a decreased ability to repair themselves at night from environmental stressors such as sun exposure.

The only scientific reason behind this is that your body enters repair mode during sound sleep and regenerates skin, muscles, blood, and brain cells. Without adequate sleep. Our body is unable to produce new and healthy collagen. Collagen prevents your skin from sagging.


There are ample functions your skin has to perform day and night. Your skin protects your body from the many viruses and bacteria you are exposed to daily. It also saves you from the sun’s rays – specifically ultraviolet light – that can damage cells. Healthy skin produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun, and vitamin D is essential for many body functions.

It is elemental that one should care about their skin health. Read the above article on 5 proven life hacks for healthy skin and avail some information.


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