Incidence of rashes, skin infections increases with the onset of monsoons, know ways to prevent
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सोरायसिसच्या समस्येतून सुटका करून घ्या! डॉ. रश्मी आडेराव यांच्या लोकमत वृत्तपत्रातील या लेखातून जाणून घ्या तुम्हाला सोरायसिस कसे टाळता येईल आणि तुमचे आरोग्य कसे जपता येईल. #PsoriasisAwareness #SkinHealth #Wellness #SkinCare #Lokmat #PsoriasisTreatment #SymptomManagement #HealthyLiving #Dermatology #DrRashmiAderaoClinic #KothrudPune
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Clear cell hidradenoma is a benign eccrine gland tumour with a rare incidence of malignant transformation. It is more commonly seen in adult females in the second to fifth decades. Head and face are the most common sites. On histopathology. Tumour shows periodic acid–Schiff-positive clear cells and polyhedral cells. The recurrence rate is low if…