Botox vs Fillers Which one is right for you?

Botox vs Fillers Which one is right for you?

More people than ever before are interested in cosmetic procedures like Botox and fillers. But it can be challenging to select the best option for you, given the abundance of options. Botox  One of the most popular injectable drug categories is botox. It is a neurotoxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. It functions by…

Red spots, infections on the skin? It’s mercury rising.

Red spots, infections on the skin? It’s mercury rising.

We are in the midst of summer, which means an increase in skin diseases, mostly due to sweating and heat. Most patients seeking medical attention in the city have sunburns, fungal and bacterial infections, among others, say doctors. Our dermatologist, Dr. Rashmi Aderao, answers your questions about red spots, infections on the skin. The Pune…