Chronic vulvovaginitis caused by Candida dubliniensis in an immunologically competent adult female

Chronic vulvovaginitis caused by Candida dubliniensis in an immunologically competent adult female

Abstract Candida, a commensal dimorphic fungus, is the most common microorganism that causes opportunistic fungal infections worldwide. It can cause diseases ranging from superficial mucosal infections to disseminated, systemic life-threatening infections. Among Candida species, Candida albicans is the most common infectious agent. Nowadays, non- albicans Candida species are also emerging as significant pathogens. Candida dubliniensis…

Hair Transplant Pre-Op Guide – Instructions for Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant procedures can help you regrow your hair and reverse the effects of baldness. However, as with any surgical procedure, it’s critical to know what to expect from a hair transplant procedure before deciding whether or not to proceed. A hair transplant is a reasonably intensive procedure for both cost and time commitment. It’s…

Hair Transplant

Why winter is the best season for hair transplant?

Statistics have revealed that people experiencing severe hair loss.  Baldness have had their self confidence about their image impacted significantly. In fact, many are known to avoid public gatherings and social interactions altogether. Thankfully, with advanced technologies. It is easy to get back hair with hair transplantation. One may wonder which is the best hair…

hair loss in men

Hair Loss In Men

Baldness can be due to either excessive hair loss or the inability of hair to grow. Knowing the exact cause always helps in successful treatment. Excessive hair loss or Telogen effluvium T.Losing 100 hair per day is very normal. If you start seeing hairs everywhere in the house, on the pillow, bathroom floor, etc, then…


Androgenetic Alopecia (Male/ Female Pattern Baldness) In Detail

The inability of hair to grow out of the scalp skin causes baldness also known as Androgenetic Alopecia (Male/ Female Pattern Baldness): It’s the most common cause of baldness to date, especially in males. Testosterone, a hormone responsible for masculine features, is also responsible for AGA. It gets converted to DHT, dihydrotestosterone, and binds to…

skin care in lockdown

Skin Care During Lockdown | Dr. Rashmi Aderao – Skin specialist in Kothrud

Sunscreen: Not able to go outside due to lockdown in your city & thinking to avoid sunscreen during this period. Nothing replaces sunscreen usage. Not even staying indoors. As most of us working from home in this period. UV light is emitted from various sources such as mobile. Computer screens, TV. LED light. Sunlight is…